Search for Foreclosures on

ReMax International became the first national real estate franchise to offer foreclosure listings on it’s website When you visit you will see a tab for foreclosure listings and you can search by city, state, zip code, even county. You can also select a few criteria such as which type of house you are looking for, multi family, single family, condo, etc, and price.

Your search results will give you the street name, basic house info such as price, square feet, number of bedrooms. Plus an aerial view of the approximate location of the house.  It’s pretty cool to find all this information on foreclosures but if you really want to save yourself some time, just call Dave and he will do all the work for you and email you the homes that meet your criteria. That way you can spend more time doing what you love.

Dave can be reached at 425-330-0663 and is a licensed real estate agent with Re/Max in the state of Washington.