Where are Foreign Investors Buying Real Estate?

Looking south from Top of the Rock, New York City

Image via Wikipedia

Can you guess which city in the entire world is going to be the favorite city for foreign real estate investments in 2011? A little hint, the number 1 and number 2 slots are in the United States.

According to the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate New York City and Washington DC is where foreign investors want to spend their money. Not only that, but word is these investors want to spend more money in 2011 than they did last year.

That’s good news, wish it was Seattle or at least the West Coast but hey, considering this survey was for the entire planet, I’m glad it was at least in America!

Brown Air?

The American Lung Association, in its report State Of The Air 2010, lists metropolitan areas with air quality bad enough that they make it onto the list of the Top 10 Dirtiest Cities in America. The 20 million people in these cities are at higher risk of asthma and chronic bronchitis.  Is your city on the list?  Do you live “down wind” of one of the toxic cities?  There are seven cities in the Top-10 List located in one state.  Do you know which one?  Click here to find out!