Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em 5k

Todays Meaningless Monday post is about the upcoming 5k around Seattle’s Green Lake called the Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em Valentines Day Dash 5k (super long title for a fun run). I did this race last year as a fun run and surprisingly I had fun. All my other 5k’s I was serious, wanted to get a good time and all that. But this race  I ran with my mom and we talked, laughed, pointed at people in their costumes (I know so rude) and hammed it up for the photographer during the race.

It was awesome to see people dressed up in costumes, some really creative ones, some just decked out in fun clothes. We saw people running in cardboard hearts that fit over the top half of their body including their heads and then we were outraged when they passed us. I mean how can they run faster than us in that bulky costume?

After the race we scored on some good freebies, hung out for a bit and then headed home to shower. A fun run might be meaningless to some, you pay $30 to run around  Green Lake on a saturday. You can do that any day of the week (including race day) for free. But it was really fun.  I’m looking forward to it this year and dare I say I might wear something festive? Gasp!

It’s not to late to sign up. Click here for the details. Don’t worry about your time, this is a fun run/walk so relax and enjoy yourself! Word to the wise, arrive early to find parking!

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